Saturday, August 20, 2016

Dear Ryan Lochte...

Dear Ryan Lochte-
The past 2 weeks, I've been slightly (ok...maybe not slightly) obsessed with the Olympics. Anyone who knows me knows that I've watched many, many hours of Olympics coverage, read tons and tons of athlete bios, and cried many, many tears of joy and heartbreak alongside of the athletes. I might not be there in Rio, but I feel as though I know those athletes, love their stories, and am there cheering them on every step of the way.

AND the USA Swimming Team...I've LOVED every minute of those events y'all participated in. Such a fantastic team to watch! I've jumped up and down in my apartment, screaming at my tv more times than I care to admit during those races. Your team made me cry more tears of joy than any other team this Olympics, for sure.

You know, I've cried some tears about you too. When I first heard the first story about what happened, I was sad and scared for you and your teammates. I couldn't believe that you had been "robbed." It sounded like such a crazy story, and as I said, I felt like the athletes I knew and loved and part of this team I loved the most was in trouble. Of course, now that I have heard the whole story, I realize that perhaps those tears weren't necessary.

I just watched your interview with Matt Lauer. Whew. He didn't let you off the hook, and honestly, I'm glad he didn't. I feel like he forced you to answer questions that no one else has asked, and he made you own up to what really happened.

And as you said, you were immature (I'd say stupid, but perhaps "immature" is a more polite way to put it...) and made a mistake. You had too much to drink, made some dumb choices, and lied about it, because you couldn't remember what really happened.

What hit me the most is when you said "that's not who I am." You're right. It's not. I think so many times we find our identity in what we do, rather than who we are. Your identity is not that of an Olympic athlete. Your identity is not that of a member of the US Swimming Team. Your identity is not even that of a guy who had too much to drink and made a terrible choice. No. None of this is your identity. You're a child of God. That's your identity.

Many times we let our mistakes or what we do or can't do become who we are, and we forget that the Lord doesn't give us an identity based on what we do. He cares more about who we are, how we love one another, and how we live into our identity as a child of God.

My hope and sincere prayer for you, Ryan, is that you really have learned something from this. Learned that alcohol makes you do things that you regret; learned that alcohol is just an escape that never brings true joy or happiness but only makes you numb; learned that alcohol doesn't just affect you but affects those around you; learned that alcohol is NEVER the answer. You said you've learned, and I sincerely hope you have.

I also hope and pray that if you aren't allowed to swim again, if you are banned as people has suggested you should be, I pray that you remember again, your identity is not what you do, but who you are. I pray you continue towards "betterment" as you said. I also hope and pray that you realize true betterment can only come from a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

Lastly, I hope and pray you know there is grace. Christ freely gives us grace, and I pray you find that.

Ryan, we all make mistakes, and unfortunately for you, as someone who is well-known, your mistake is known all over the world. We're human, as you said. But what is different and what can be different for you, is to know that even in your mistake, there is grace, there is forgiveness, and there is a loving Savior who loves you no matter what.

I truly hope and pray that you have changed, and this experience has been a wake up call.

Anna, an Olympic fan and a fan of Christ's grace

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

You're Sovereign Still...

I'm sitting thinking about what I thought my life would look like 6 months ago. Six months ago, I thought that today I would be living in Waco, working a job (some part-time something I found), preparing to move to Nashville for the summer to work my 6th and final summer of camp (my second summer as director, my second summer in Nashville), all the while preparing to move to Sierra Leone, West Africa in the Fall.

I write this from my parents' house in Arlington, where I have been living since December. I am no longer working camp, and I am no longer pursuing a move to West Africa. I am working a part-time job, so I got one thing right, I guess. :)

Sometimes life throws us curveballs, things we were not expecting at all. Six months ago, those were my plans. Everything was working out right. Things were going the way I planned for them to.

Then, about six months ago, curveball one came. I felt like I needed to move to Arlington, instead of staying in Waco. Truly this was the Lord's leading, and now that I look back on that decision, I see it was most definitely the right one.

About a month later, curveball two came. I had to make the difficult decision to walk away from an organization that I loved dearly, because I felt that I was not fully supported in my calling to preach. Although there was a ton of pain and hurt and grief and anger that came from this, I have learned so much about myself, about my calling, about the importance of standing up for who the Lord is calling me to be, and I know it was the right decision. But it wasn't easy.

And now, curveball three, I come to the decision to not move to West Africa. It is not that I will never go. It is just that right now at this point in my life I am not called to go. Although this has been hard to understand and to wrestle through, it is the decision that I know the Lord is leading me to. I do believe that Sierra Leone has a huge part of my heart, and some day I will go there, but that time is not now.

So, I'm here. In Arlington. Not where I thought I would be, but where I am supposed to be. In the midst of everything that happened that first week of December, I was offered a position at the same place where I did my mentoring for seminary. In this job, I've had the opportunity to serve the people of Sierra Leone here, in Arlington. I've loved hearing the stories of what the Lord is doing there. Seeing the pictures of all the work the Lord is doing and meeting our partners on Skype or over phone calls to hear and see all that the Lord is doing during this Ebola Virus outbreak has been such a blessing. I've learned so much about ministry, about myself, and about my calling, in ways that I never knew I needed to learn. I am so thankful that although this wasn't my plan originally, I am thankful it is my life now.

Hillsong United has a song called "None but Jesus." The second verse and chorus have brought much comfort during this time and other times in my life.

In the chaos, in confusion
I know you're sovereign still
 In the moment of my weakness
You give me grace to do your will
 When you call I won't delay
 This my song through all my days
There is no one else for me
 None but Jesus
 Crucified to set me free
 Now I live to bring Him praise

Amen. Thank You Jesus that in the midst of the chaos and confusion and plans, You are sovereign still. You are sovereign always. In the midst of my planning and the undoing of my plans, You have brought peace and comfort. You knew what would happen, and You have been there the whole time. Thank You.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday Reflections

Good Friday... I'll be completely honest. I hate Good Friday services. I hated going to church and reflecting on the death of Christ... I wanted to hurry up and just get to Sunday, when we sing some of my favorites hymns and the service revolves around the celebration of Christ's resurrection. Yes, I want to skip over Friday, and get to Sunday.
But this year is different. I'm not sure why, but this year I want to reflect on Good Friday. I just came home from the service at Calvary, and instead of wanting to do something happy, like watch a movie or eat icecream or laugh lots, I want to sit in silence and reflect. This is not my normal response to sadness or grief. Normally I want to skip over the sad part and reflect on the good things about the person or find the good in every situation... but maybe, just maybe, there is some value in grief.
I think this semester I have been forced to face death head on, with the death of a classmate/ friend in January and the death of an uncle in February. I couldn't just gloss over the grief and get to the happiness in those situations. No, I had to face the fact that these people were no longer here and simply grieve. We don't give time in our society to grieve... we jump from thing to thing, trying to fill our lives with things other than grief. I run away from death, so I don't have to grieve... but this semester, I've learned how unhealthy that is... grief must happen. As hard as that is, grief is something that must be dealt with, in order for true healing to occur.
Maybe, just maybe, as others have said recently, I can't fully appreciate the goodness of Easter Sunday without understanding the grief of Friday. Until I fully embrace this idea of my Savior dying on the cross for me, I cannot fully understand the joy and celebration of Sunday. So yes... Sunday is coming. But today is Friday. And today I grieve.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Inadequacy- The state of being not adequate or sufficient; inept or unsuitable.
I can't even begin to tell you how much I think this word describes my life... at least the last 2.5 years of my life. I think back to 2.5 years ago, when I started working at a local church, feeling as though I had no idea what was going on or what I was supposed to be doing. This feeling followed me to seminary. I thought that if I got to the place I was supposed to be, seminary in my mind, I would leave this feeling behind... Oh, how wrong that was.
I can't even begin to tell you had inadequate I feel in seminary. It seems like every day I ask the Lord, "Why in the world am I here?" "Why have You brought me to a place where I feel so inadequate?" So many times in class, I'm so confused, so lost in what we're talking about... I thought that "when I arrived," whatever that means, that I would understand why I was where am I... Yep, hasn't happened yet. There's this particular class this semester that I dread going to, because of the anxiety and inadequacy I feel walking in. I feel like everyone else in that class understands what is going on, or at least knows more about the subject than I do. Normally, I would just slink back and listen, but of course, this is the class I have to speak in, in order to pass.
You know, God has a funny way of catching my attention... Today at church, Julie preached on inadequacy, of course. Funny, God. She spoke about her own feelings of inadequacy in ministry, and how she has felt out of control, especially "when her feet don't touch." Oh, how much I just wanted to run up to her, during her sermon, sobbing, telling her "Preach it. Yes! That's exactly how I feel, each and every day in seminary." That probably wouldn't have been the most appropriate response. haha. :) But you better believe I thought it.
She spoke about how God created us out of dust, dirt... and He breathed life into us. Each of us. How beautiful. She also spoke about how when she realizes it's not about her, but it's about the Lord, those feelings of inadequacy are met by God's grace. Oh, how many times do I look to the world to find my worth and acceptance and answers instead of looking to the Lord?
Psalm 8 speaks about how crazy it is that the Lord of all creation takes time to be "mindful of man" and to "care for man." Psalm 139 speaks of how we are to praise the Lord, because He has "fearfully and wonderfully made" each of us. So... the Lord takes time to watch over me and has made the way I am for a reason? In other words, when I let those feelings of inadequacy take over, not only am I making life harder than it needs to be, I'm neglecting the way the Lord has made me. He made me adequate in the areas I need to be adequate. And yes... I do feel super inadequate when it comes to seminary, but that's the reason why I'm in school... to learn. I'm not suppose to have everything together right now. If I did, I wouldn't be in school in the first place. Why is it hard for me to understand that? Why do I let those feelings of inadequacy get in the way of what the Lord can teach me?
We followed her sermon by singing "Beautiful Things" by Gungor. I love this song. I hadn't thought of it in the context of inadequacy before, but it fits and makes sense in this context. Out of the craziness of life, out of chaos, out of the dust, the Lord has created something beautiful... That beautiful thing is the life He has created for me. How can I sit and neglect that? How can I let myself think I am inadequate, instead of relying on Him to be the Adequate One? No, He is the Faithful One. The One who is everything... He never lacks in anything. When I look to Him, I realize He is there, Immanuel, God with me... especially during those times of inadequacy.
Thank You, Lord, for noticing me, for creating me, for giving me life. Let me reflect that thankfulness and trust in Your ultimate plan, knowing You have me right where I need to be.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Camp Reflections

Four weeks ago I drove home from camp. It's crazy to think it's been that long, but I have still been processing some things the Lord taught me and how I put those into practice now that I am back from camp... Here's a few of the things I have been processing since I came back.
Last summer, I found an incredible amount of healing from my team. They don't know it, but they truly helped to heal many hurts I have had. I felt, for the first time in my life, the ability to truly be myself and to be accepted through that process. The Lord healed those hurts, and He helped me to see through last summer that I truly have so much to offer, and there is true freedom when I live in that fact.
I went to camp this summer expecting this same type of freedom and healing. Some things have happened at my family's lives, where healing is truly needed, and I felt like camp would be the place where I could find that healing, just as I did the summer before. I did experience freedom and healing, but these came in very different lessons than I was expecting.
I started to learn what makes a good week at camp. Having a group that doesn't complain or saying all of my lines perfectly each night on stage or having a church group that seems to actually want you around have nothing to do with a good week at camp. A good week at camp happens when one student comes to know the Lord as his or her personal Lord and Savior! When even just one student's life is changed, that is a cause for celebration! It has nothing to do with the circumstances of camp. It has everyting to do with the power the Lord has in changing lives and students finding freedom in Christ! I feel like I have lost this sense of celebration in seminary. Don't get me wrong... I love Truett. I just feel that sometimes we forget to talk about the lifechange that happens when someone accepts a relationship with the Lord. We talk so much about different theological ideas, but sometimes we forget to think about the awesomeness of Christ's lifechanging power in our lives! I needed that reminder this summer.
Also, I learned what camp is for. That's sounds weird, but basically I learned camp isn't for me at all. It's for the students! That might be a "no-duh" moment, but the Lord made it so clear to me that camp is not for me. Yes, last summer I was the one who found healing, and I feel that for a part of last summer, camp was for me. I needed that time of healing and acceptance. However, this summer, different circumstances and relationships were present. Camp is not about me, in any respect. Camp is for the students and for the lifechange they need. Camp is about these students having a lifechanging moment that continues as they go back home, and my role is to facilitate this understanding. It's about the lifechange that happens when students finally see what the Lord is doing in their lives, and they step out in faith to accept that call placed on their lives.
Lastly, I learned about faith, and what I place my faith in. One of my devotionals had this quote by Dave Harvey: "Biblical faith confidently asks God to act according to His promises. True faith then accepts the answer. Our faith stands on the unchanging character of God." Wow. My faith was not in line with these. I think so many times I place my faith in circumstances and in the things that are happening all around me. If something fails, then my whole concept of faith fails. However, that is not what the Lord asks of us. We are to have faith without seeing, without knowing what He is up to. There have been many circumstances in my family's life recently, many hurtful situations, many hurtful things said by people who are suppose to be the Body of Christ. I felt as though because of these situations my faith in the Body of Christ was misplaced. I felt like I couldn't put faith in the Church, because of the things that have happened. However, the Lord has shown me, and is continuing to show me, that my faith should be in Him, and in Him alone. Not in the people that make these decisions or in the circumstances, but in Him. He has everything completely under control, and He is the One to trust. My faith should be in Him, not in the circumstances of life. He will provide. He always has, and always will.
Last Sunday I joined my local church body, Calvary Baptist. My faith in Lord has been strengthened, and I am seeing how the Body of Christ truly does love and truly does care. I have seen this through Calvary. When I put my faith in the Lord and not in my circumstances, I have been blessed to see true love and true community.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blessed by homework?!

As I was driving to the library to start on my enormous amount of reading I have for Tuesday, I started thinking about feeling blessed. I've gone around saying how blessed I feel for the friends and family I have. I talk about how blessed I am for having a roof over my head, for having a new church family that has complete embraced me, for having a group of friends that make me laugh uncontrollably... So many blessings...
But... what I thought about today was how blessed I am for going to school and for having homework. WHAT?! I'm blessed by homework... really? No. I didn't hit my head or anything like that. No. I'm not going crazy. Seriously, I'm so blessed to have homework.
I have this incredible opportunity to come to seminary to study more about who God is. I get to read the Bible for homework. I get to study about the promises of God for class! I get to talk about what God is doing in my life during class, with my professors. My professors take time to pray for us during class. This is such a blessing!
Just looked up the word "blessed" on Yeah, I know. As a seminary student there are probably other more academic ways of doing this... :) However, in the NIV, it shows up 217 times! How awesome. Many times it's used as God is blessing His people for serving Him and for putting their trust in Him. That's the way it should be. We are blessed when we trust in the Lord.
It's not that I don't actually feel blessed by the other things in my life, because God has blessed me in so many ways. Too many to speak about here... but a major blessing is the fact that I am in seminary. It truly is a blessing to be here. So many would love to have this opportunity to study more about God's Word and to have the opportunity to study about how to better serve the Lord in the calling I feel on my life. I feel that I need to better acknowledge the blessings in my life, such as studying and such. Right now, I feel blessed to study. Maybe I won't feel this way tomorrow :), but right now I feel blessed that God has called me to ministry and has provided a way for me to do just that, even when it means reading an enormous amount.
Thank You God for Your blessings on my life. I don't deserve them at all. I want to fully embrace this blessing and say that I am blessed by it.
This is a verse that stuck out to me, while looking up the references for "blessed."
"The LORD your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast wilderness. These forty years the LORD your God has been with you, and you have not lacked anything. " Deuteronomy 2:7

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm going to seminary in the Fall!

For the past few semesters, I have truly felt the Lord calling me to student ministry and to learning more about what that could look like. I've been working at Brentwood Baptist in the student ministry learning tons of things, having tons of first-hand experiences and tons of chances to observe and work with students. In addition, as long as I can remember, I've liked going to school... I'm that weird kid that liked going to classes, because I loved learning about life and how I could better be prepared for what the Lord was calling me to do....
All this being said, a few months ago, I decided that seminary is where I was being called... Truett Seminary in Waco, Texas to be exact. I looked the school up and found out there was a scholarship opportunity available that was due December 18... so I rushed to get all of my essays done, my recommendations done, and all my paperwork turned in. Then the waiting game started. I was so nervous, and I didn't tell many people about it, because I didn't know for sure what would happen.
So... long story short, Monday I got my acceptance letter!!! Not only that, but I also got the scholarship I had applied for! I'm so excited to be going back to Texas for awhile. I mean, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Tennessee, and all of the people I've grown to know here. There are so many things about Nashville/ Brentwood that are so dear to my heart, and the thought about leaving all of this chokes me up all the time...
However, right now is a time to celebrate! As much as I want to be sad, I know the Lord has truly provided for me. I don't have to pay for tuition at all because of the scholarship. I still have connections in Texas, which are extremely helpful. I know for sure I am suppose to be there in August, because of how things are working out. I really don't think I could have asked for a more clear answer from the Lord about going to seminary. I'm excited to learn more about student ministry and what that looks like in my life. I truly am happy, excited, nervous, overwhelmed by everything right now... but I wouldn't want to have it any other way.
When I told my small group of 10th grade girls on Wednesday night about this, they circled around me, laid hands on me, and prayed for me. I was so worried about their reactions to everything, but they were just so sweet and loving to me... exactly what I needed. Seriously, the Lord has blessed me beyond measure and has made things happen that I never could have imagined. These verses speak right to where I am... To Him be the glory!

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21